Sudbury, Ontario
****Now accepting children 12 years old and older!
Referral form for Medical Clinics
Bilingual service
Short wait time
No MD/NP referral needed
Sleep in your own bed
Reviewed by a Registered Sleep Technologist
Interpreted by a Certified Sleep Specialist
Results within a week
Affordable $175.00
Receipt for insurance or income tax purposes.
I am a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist with 30 years experience in sleep medicine. This specialty continues to be my passion and the reason for this new service.
My mission is to provide a sleep study in the comfort of your home. A home sleep apnea test (HSAT) measures oxygen saturation, heart rate, breathing from your mouth and nose, and movement in your chest and abdomen. This device will identify sleep disorders including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a serious breathing disorder that occurs when someone experiences complete or partial obstruction during sleep. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase the risk of health problems, including; high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, irregular heart beats, and heart attacks, just to name a few.
La polygraphie ventilatoire à domicile est un examen qui permet d'enregistrer la respiration, le niveau d'oxygène, le pouls, le movement du thorax et de l'abdomen au cours du sommeil. Elle est utilisée pour diagnostiquer des troubles du sommeil comme le Syndrome d'apnées du sommeil. Cette anomalie peut causer des problèmes de santé importants comme l'hypertension artérielle, la diabète, la dépression et plusieurs autres.
Chantal Tremblay RPSGT

Next steps after a Home Sleep Study (HSAT)​ - Level III study
If a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)is recommended by the Sleep Specialist, simply take the results to your dentist.
2. If a CPAP device is recommended:
Option 1 - If government funding is required: you must be referred to a sleep specialist for additional testing and follow-up to obtain signed Assistive Devices Program form.
Option 2 - Purchase a CPAP out of pocket with a prescription from your family MD.
Contact me for further details.

I’ve Got Answers
Do I need a referral from my doctor?
Dois-je besoin de consulter avec un médecin ?
No referral necessary but you do need a physician or nurse practitioner for a follow-up. I will be reviewing each test and create a report. The test will then be interpreted by a sleep specialist and the results submitted to your Health Professional.
Aucune recommendation d'un médecin nécessaire mais vous avez besoin d'un médecin ou infirmière praticienne pour un suivi. Je lis le test de sommeil et ensuite il sera interprété par un spécialiste. Le résultat sera soumis à vôtre professionnel de la santé.
How much does it cost?
Combien coûte ce service ?
Home sleep studies are not covered in Ontario.
The cost for one study is $175.00 * Prices are subject to change
Check with your insurance company, they might cover the cost.
Le Régime d'assurance-maladie
de l'Ontario ne rembourse pas les tests à domicile.
Ce service vous en coûtera 175.00$
Communiquer avec votre fournisseur d'assurance afin de savoir s'ils ont une couverture qui s'applique
dans ce cas précis.